Thursday, December 5, 2013

Kisses in Colors

I kiss you in colors
Blooming behind my eyes, tight-shut
Like windows in waning winter light
Once it was scarlet, and sweet
Warm, steady and secure
Once yellow, both you and I
You stole my breath and wouldn’t give it back
Curled my toes and laughed a smug laugh
And once, we were black, edged thickly in white
Secret on the street in early hours
Contraband kisses that scuttled for cover
With every knowing approach of headlights
Always, your silhouette in every shade
A bright new hue to each tryst of the lips

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I forgot the snow, and it shocked me
With all of its white electricity

Writing Hands

So often lately I have felt lacking in drive.  I would look around and think, What on earth am I doing, and why?  There was no why.  It's been the cause of no small amount of stress in my life over the past little while.  Only recently I realized that my passion is, and always has been, writing.  It's a God-given talent, it's 99% of who I am, and it's all I want to do with my life.  This poem is a self-apology for forgetting about that for a while.

Dear writing hands, this
Is my apology
For your emaciation
Your cruel starvation
From your vivid, wordy fare

Dear writing hands, I
Will not make excuses
I forgot the feeling and sound
Of the pen in my hand
And the letters in my head

Dear writing hands, you
Are deep in my heart
At the core, squeezing
Pumping the blood, rich, dark
That gurgles with whispers of so much to say