Saturday, January 18, 2014

Come And Get Me Please

If you inexplicably
Were to saunter through my door
Grip my shoulder, tug
Me off this pitiful pedestal
And take me, just once
In your arms, once
In your heat and heartbeat
Only once
I feel certain my soul
Would at last untangle
Its ragged and bloody strips from
The thorned, barbed wire of
Slow-passing years
And limp away down the path at last
Broken, but content
Knowing how to mend

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Me and the Moon

The moon is a boxer
A crossways eye rimmed pink and blue
Wide, rolling, frenzied
Clinging to ropes of black glory.

I am a fighter
Small fists, big heart clenched
Tremulous, terrified, savage
Dancing on the brink before the bell.

Tag team, we will swing and jab and swing again.
Nighttime is our square, spectators stars, a full house.
For the good of a cause with no need to be named
We take the hits from relentless forces

Insatiable, taking us piece by piece for their own.
By minutes, surge for surge, we snatch ourselves back
And rise from the dirty floor, always, every time.
We do not allow ourselves a choice.

Monday, January 13, 2014


So late it's early
No cool side to the pillow
Such fools, both of us

Wandering Song

A wandering song came on in my ears
As the train swayed, and swung, and swayed
The sky had old man eyes, squinting
Gray like the newspapers piled by his chair
The mountains were evening wear blue
And I was big, gigantic, absolutely enormous
Big as every earthly country on the globe
The yellow and red ones full of sand
Green and beige with grass like hair
The black and blue with big hands and long arms
I was all of them, incandescent
Moving feet in time with a wandering song
Dancing down cobblestone dirt paved roadways
And the train swayed, and swung, and swayed

The Word Goodbye

Around the time
When it's time to leave
We often find that word goodbye
Difficult to please
Lightly on your lap
Legs around your waist
Keeping you captive
Like a portrait in a picture frame
Tilt up your head
To expose a smug smile
And meet me halfway
For the longest kiss goodbye

A note:  1500 pageviews!  Pretty awesome, I must say.

Friday, January 10, 2014


My dear, I miss you
All of today, tomorrow
Till I can hold you

A prayer to the
Nighttime; please hold me warm and
Still until day breaks

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fix This, Doc

Outside reeks of cigarette smoke. 
All of it. 
The arthritic air and the black smudge trees
The fluctuating spaces between people
Walking hard and fast.
Snowflakes drop like fragments of ash
Tapped resolutely from the end of a Marlboro Red
Gusting in the cough of a tired wind.
Like the world is an ashtray with cigarette butt buildings
And in all our love and losing, we all are slowly dying
From cancer of the heart and lungs.

Finishing like Zusak

He's right, you know
When the final few lines jump to the last page
That last page, white like the gates of heaven
The worlds scrambling, tripping over each other
To be the first to be thrown down
Like the finishing planks of a bridge
All the while you are digging in your heels
Pulling back hard on the reigns, no, no
Slow down and savor like a roast Sunday afternoon
Like the last day of school
And the late hours on the eve of your birthday
Remember the crook of the hands on the clock
Remember the sounds and the taste in your mouth
What you are wearing, what clutter has gathered round
Sketch a picture, just quick, to preserve it forever
And when they ask by the thousands, how did it feel?
You can say, like each page was a single glass step
And I climbed every one to the peak of the sky
And as the last casualty words fell on the papery hillside
I looked down from the folds of a velvet blue night
And I was alone and on top of the world


The moon has not set all day
Mothlike he has swung in the sky
Lingered on the lashes of the mountains
Avoiding the reproach of the wrathful sun
And now that she has retired to her bed
He nestles in the clouds and settles down
Like a working man melting into armchair and hearth
Coffee in hand, paper blanket on lap
Bleary-eyed he watches the world in slumber
A pale shade of envy over their nocturnal peace

Monday, January 6, 2014


This is home, I think
Far from kith and kin
Beneath high ceilings that
Smell of new paint and plaster
With the promise of a busy tomorrow
Sick in my stomach
With strangers for whom I have cultivated
A tightknit tolerance and affection
This is home, I think in my crisp bed
This is home.
This is.

The Late Minutes

The late minutes belong to me
Marching by, haughty in their guiltiness
Dripping slow like water off stalactites
Muttering stiff apologies in mechanical tones
Stacking on themselves like firewood ready to burn
Those late minutes, they belong to me
And to the determined car
And to the mercurial music
And to the thought of you lying in bed
Arm behind your head, thoughts
Of me before your eyes


I have never sat at table
Or sprawled on carpet
And played a game of Scrabble
Yet the burned black letters
D, C, L
In their smooth wooden shells
B, P, E
Stack in my soul
U, F, M
Like puzzle pieces
W, J, T
But that is a different game


I send myself to the top of the mountain
Treading the soft brown path with hungry feet
Who savor each pebble in its ancient earthy decadence

The target peak juts out like a rescuing arm
Surveying and sighing contentment over the valley
It is here I halt my driven march and fill both lungs
With the ocean of early morning blue and foam
Stretching its arms and yawning into waking

In similitude I too throw my limbs wide
Open my chest to the new surge of living

A lover of the light am I, in truth
A lover of the life in my own winding veins
And the freedom of this cannot be taken
By any number of good or bad intentions

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Cynical Sunset

The sun is opinionated
Red edges quivering with conviction aflame
Smug, he lowers slowly behind his headboard
Of the mountains, his final glare
An illuminating finger to the world
In the meantime, the city has
Sunk tightlipped into a permanent haze
A screen of gray and sickly pink
Dusty, weary in the indifferent routine
But resolute, always resolved
To stand with shoulders back and flat heads raised
Peering with streaming smoky eyes
Into the vast gap of daily purpose
Looking, under the guise of a worthy cause
In the bold hatchet face of a futile trudge


My New Year's resolution is to write a poem a day. Simple, no? I'm on track thus far, but I haven't had a chance to post yet. That is about to change. Here's January One.

Winter nights run down the sky
Fresh paint, thick and glossy glistening
Drying slowly, congealing  on the icy walls
While in my smaller comforter dome
I breathe your scent off my blanket
Wrap it about me and drift warmly away