Saturday, July 6, 2013

I find myself posing for pictures

I find myself posing for pictures
Often when I am wholly alone
Pouting in the mirror or
Varnishing my nails or
Walking the dog or
Mowing the lawn
I pose
I fancy myself in
Norman Rockwell
Nigel Barker
To be framed in an exhibit
Or exhibited on a magazine rack
In an ad for the all-American
Or a feature piece deemed
"Private Life of a Regular Girl"
I hope that someone is holding the camera
And that the film will someday reach a grander venue
Than the inside of the trash can
Of moments unrecorded
Regardless I pose
I impress
I fancy myself something to behold
And glamorize my quiet moments
For an audience of two
Myself and
That ever-hidden photographer
I hope someday
He deigns to show me the pictures
For surely somewhere in the massive stack
There must be a masterpiece hidden
Worth more than the attention
Of the subject herself and only

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