Sunday, August 25, 2013

An Absence of Reason and an Excess of Rain

Another sestina.  I really love writing them, they aren't nearly as hard as they look.  The erratic nature of the pattern helps me get my thoughts straight in the most roundabout way.  They also make me think and keep me from posturing, which is always a good thing.

Here I am, without
Surrounded by the foreboding of rain
Mind heavy with you
Heart suffering small
Thriving on thin promise
If nowhere else, I look up

Look, gaze, cling up
Without purchase for fingertips, without
The pink glow of promise
Everywhere is the weight of rain
Starting drops splatter cold and small
Smells like rain, and somehow you

You, you, you
Unbalanced, I tilt my head up
On this great plain I am small
Both within and without
Eyes shuttered against rain
In my ribcage blooms a promise

Tomorrow morning, miles away, promise
There will never be another you
My skin is slick with streaks of rain
I fall back and the rain falls up
Logical fit, I am strangely without
The value of reason is really very small

In reality, my frame is small
Physical restraint is a perpetual promise
But my soul is big and balloons without
Wearing a sad sweet smile that echoes of you
Tethered by a delicate string, tiny knots laced up
Dissolving quickly in the rain

Truly, I adore the rain
The size of the sky shrinks me to small
Always, always, I look up
This several-days storm has rolled in a promise
I have spent my time allotted with you
You, who are now something I must do without

This cave of rain rings silver with promise
You are a small wonder, you, and
Always I will be lifted up, even though I must do without

Light in the Cave

I love you, I think
I think because there is
A small dark hole right here,
In the center,
Small on the surface,
But grandiose underneath
Dry and full of coal dust
I am taking comfort in the sound
Of my own voice snaking off the walls
Wrapping around me like a thin fleece blanket
I am taking comfort in the promise
Of happiness on the horizon, for you and me
Though individually, in separate spheres
Daylight reaches round pale arms
Down into this cave
I stand in her shadow and she touches my face
I can smile, but
I love you, I think
And I think for that reason
I will stay in this cavern a little while longer
Let the sun warm the stone in his own due time

Friday, August 23, 2013

June 22

I found this in a notebook from the beginning of the summer and very much liked it.  I had totally forgotten about writing it.  

When you are in
The depths of the pit
And life seems to be
If all has gone wrong
You yet have your life
And therefore
There is

The Beast

I cannot tell if that patch is
The deepest part of the sky, or
Merely unlit air over the country club
But I hear the thunder, I know it came
From that quadrant of the storm, I know
Its den is somewhere within that
Dense pocket of black
Watching me move back and forth with yellow eyes
Across the glossy parking lot
Even after the rain has stopped
And its eyelids grow heavy as
It sinks back into dormancy
I feel the wind in small lukewarm gusts
Like the silent sigh of a beast in hibernation

Monday, August 19, 2013

Yellow Flowers

Written not too long ago during some serious heartbreak.  I really like this one, though I hesitated to post it and still am not sold on doing so now.

Our story is beautiful
And tragic
A love story with a definite
Unhappy ending
Where you are too good
And I am not good at all
Where I am selfish
In my cruelest attempts to be kind
Where I am sorry
And we are both broken
An argument can be made
That having lost is better than never having
That pain is the lesser of two evils
But having lost is still losing
Silent tears taste like violent sobs
I cannot
I am sorry
I cannot for the both of us
And all the good of love may not be enough
You are precious
But I am responsible
This is beautiful
And terrible
Like yellow flowers in a porcelain vase
Bright, hopeful
Vitality seeping out
Drying and drooping
Dying slowly in a place where they do not belong
We do not belong

the pool

there is a draw to the
pull of tired eyes,the
run of streams of thought parallel
to each other,weaving
through the grass tendrils bobbingswaying through the current
somehow or another one is always music
the bed is empty,but silent,not calling
waiting patient on four small feet
wide and warm like a mother bear,but
infinitely cleaner
crickets countless rush by hours while
highway chirps and whines in spurts
sleeping is happening all around,in
houses and beds on the whole street
but maybe somewhere some is not,some
is dragging on like this
ball and chain to the weary body,the
soul is soaring to the stars
through the leaves of the apple branches in a
magnificent gasp for freedom
a nightly swim in the pool of darkand coolbut in a calming way
fireflies dip like fishes,floating,spinning slow beyond control
but calm,always
calm,without the need for care or planning
nirvana seems the apropos name,but
who am i to say it so
but this i know,when i’s and eyes are
heavy,too heavy to go to sleep
i slip away and swim,at night,in
the pool where all the spirits come
for some reason,i think
they all are humming all the time


You are unfortunate. 
I see you, I see
A shard of something shooting to earth
Cutting with a white light razorblade
Something slipped from the pocket of God. 

I know the color of your eyes. 
It has been a thousand hours, almost,
Since I saw your face
At a waxing gibbous angle
Walking back to your grandpa’s car
Yet I remember every line and shadow. 

You are unfortunate
Because you cannot be classified
By even the vaguest of labels. 
All at once, you are
Friend and brother and
Confidant and advisor and
Handsome and far away. 
If I were to save my pennies
For weeks and weeks on end
Would it be enough, or
Would something better come along? 

There is a fracture here
Right here, on the joint
Between what is unknown and what is speculated
Over and over on the verge of sleep
And boring afternoons in Spanish class. 
You outshine me in all your color
I cannot see you beside my beige.
Which does not mean I do not wish. 

I opened to you,
Deep and raw and unforgiving
And it was good even through the bad. 

Only now I’m afraid
Time has healed, as it will do
What was red and vital has cooled to something
Smooth, white, raised
Braille on the heart proclaiming your initials
Scar tissue wrapped around the splinter of you
That happened to work its way through my skin
Three years ago, when a snaggletoothed smile
Came through the door in winter
And lit up the side of the classroom
Where sat a pale girl in green and
A black blazer. 

I am afraid of making you into
A manikin, on which to hang
The clothes I see in a few years’ time. 
That would be the purest form of corruption,
Molding you into something I want. 
Nor can I lock away the negatives
Of the images of past encounters
Which would be tantamount to caging a bird
To ensure it remains undomesticated. 

I am afraid that,
For the time being,
I must dismiss you from the stage of my mind. 
I must retire you from the role you have played
And allow the both of us
A little creative freedom. 
Keep in touch,
For I expect to see you in a few months’ time
A few pounds heavier, a few inches higher
Marginally wiser, all the better. 

And who knows
What you will be then? 

The same, of course,
Can be said of me.

wishes on lashes

For someone I care about who deserves more than wishes.

wishes on lashes
made for your sake
to carry you through change
heartache, pain
rolled between finger and thumb to test merit
like a heart weighed precarious opposite a feather
found pure, and consequently
released on a puff of air
and the grace of your name

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Little Bit of Matter

In my ears and into my heart
Catching words in a net till it bulges
Like stepping, calculated, to the edge of a building
Ten stories up, one inch forward
Then lurching backward off the face of the skyline
Spinning and stars in black blushing blue
I am so small and so clean
In a big, filthy world
Shell-shocked by the slightest smudge
Proud of that fact
I hope to preserve that
Wash around me, sit close on the subway
Live in the apartment above my own
But you cannot touch me
I take it in, I observe
I would like to understand
But stop—one step short of open
One step short of embracing it my own
See me, if you’d like, because I see you
That is what life is for
You do yours and I’ll do mine

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The prince is magnificent

Inspired by Loki, Norse god of mischief and one of my favorite villains.

The prince is magnificent
Cloaked in pride and entitlement
Swathed in dark silk, sleek leather, thick fur
Crowned with gold tempered in blood and corruption
Coaxed forth from the threshold of enemy flesh
His jawline, his brow, speak of breeding exquisite
His body belies any mark of a blade
Fingers, interlaced like the strands of a widow's web,
Bear rings claiming fealty of numberless realms,
Are deadly as blades from the hilts of his wrists

His chamber is lit by the waver of torches
Burning mirthless in sconces of precious gems
The room is a temple to merciless cold
And the depths of a world long ago robbed of breath
The luxurious furs on his bed conceal tears
From the witch-hour throes of a creature tormented

While lit through the night, through the end of the gods,
Opposite the great headboard sits a shrine to a foe
A black marble pillar shrouded in witchlight
Glorious in the austerity of the design
Displaying a weapon of singular craftsmanship,
Singular efficacy, a king's device
Glimmering lonely in the eerie illumination
Devoid of a soul worthy to wield, yet potent enough
To pierce princely dreams
A sight preserved for the eyes that shine
Like new moons tacked over deadened coals
Alight with the sputtering flame of victory,
Feeble in the face of a bloodless existence,
Threadbare in the chill of a broken mind

Through the kingdom, whispers run in the dark
Stalk like lions on hissing paws
The prince is magnificent, the people agree
No more so than when he screams in his sleep
And the echoes weep through the palace halls
Pool at the foot of the empty throne
Fodder for ghosts who will not be disowned