Monday, August 19, 2013


You are unfortunate. 
I see you, I see
A shard of something shooting to earth
Cutting with a white light razorblade
Something slipped from the pocket of God. 

I know the color of your eyes. 
It has been a thousand hours, almost,
Since I saw your face
At a waxing gibbous angle
Walking back to your grandpa’s car
Yet I remember every line and shadow. 

You are unfortunate
Because you cannot be classified
By even the vaguest of labels. 
All at once, you are
Friend and brother and
Confidant and advisor and
Handsome and far away. 
If I were to save my pennies
For weeks and weeks on end
Would it be enough, or
Would something better come along? 

There is a fracture here
Right here, on the joint
Between what is unknown and what is speculated
Over and over on the verge of sleep
And boring afternoons in Spanish class. 
You outshine me in all your color
I cannot see you beside my beige.
Which does not mean I do not wish. 

I opened to you,
Deep and raw and unforgiving
And it was good even through the bad. 

Only now I’m afraid
Time has healed, as it will do
What was red and vital has cooled to something
Smooth, white, raised
Braille on the heart proclaiming your initials
Scar tissue wrapped around the splinter of you
That happened to work its way through my skin
Three years ago, when a snaggletoothed smile
Came through the door in winter
And lit up the side of the classroom
Where sat a pale girl in green and
A black blazer. 

I am afraid of making you into
A manikin, on which to hang
The clothes I see in a few years’ time. 
That would be the purest form of corruption,
Molding you into something I want. 
Nor can I lock away the negatives
Of the images of past encounters
Which would be tantamount to caging a bird
To ensure it remains undomesticated. 

I am afraid that,
For the time being,
I must dismiss you from the stage of my mind. 
I must retire you from the role you have played
And allow the both of us
A little creative freedom. 
Keep in touch,
For I expect to see you in a few months’ time
A few pounds heavier, a few inches higher
Marginally wiser, all the better. 

And who knows
What you will be then? 

The same, of course,
Can be said of me.

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