Monday, August 19, 2013

the pool

there is a draw to the
pull of tired eyes,the
run of streams of thought parallel
to each other,weaving
through the grass tendrils bobbingswaying through the current
somehow or another one is always music
the bed is empty,but silent,not calling
waiting patient on four small feet
wide and warm like a mother bear,but
infinitely cleaner
crickets countless rush by hours while
highway chirps and whines in spurts
sleeping is happening all around,in
houses and beds on the whole street
but maybe somewhere some is not,some
is dragging on like this
ball and chain to the weary body,the
soul is soaring to the stars
through the leaves of the apple branches in a
magnificent gasp for freedom
a nightly swim in the pool of darkand coolbut in a calming way
fireflies dip like fishes,floating,spinning slow beyond control
but calm,always
calm,without the need for care or planning
nirvana seems the apropos name,but
who am i to say it so
but this i know,when i’s and eyes are
heavy,too heavy to go to sleep
i slip away and swim,at night,in
the pool where all the spirits come
for some reason,i think
they all are humming all the time

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