Friday, September 27, 2013

The Base of the Hill, Inspiring

I find the growth at the base of the hill
Tangled as it is,
Vitally green in the hue of a rainstorm
Ivy tranquil curtaining the wall, and
Pine bushes like grazing herbivores, limp-limbed
Beside an abundance of thick, pouty greenery
Which withholds its name from me
From my view, a pair of trees
Which we called eucalyptus in our pre-school days
Stand ankle-deep in vegetation
With swaying hips and open arms, as though
They wish to float into the fog above
All of it is deep and alive and eternal
I will filter through this school next to nameless
But always these will have their place, always
They will be here, nesting
At the base of the hill, inspiring

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