Thursday, October 10, 2013

Chickadee Calls

Little chickadees, you darlings
In your gray collared coats and velvet black caps
I know your sounds, I let loose a challenge
From the harmless pucker of my lips
And to my amusement, you sprang up stiff
The both of you, flitting about your tree
Perched on a branch and the wall above my head
Thinking, "Her?  But no," and casting off
Pipping all the while your perplexity
You, the suspicious one, you dove on your brother
Pecked his cheek, and I saw him chastise with a glance
And then you were off, both of you, all at once
To while away noontime in a tree all your own
Little chickadees, if only I was fluent enough
To call you back and assure that I mean you no harm
For now I am left with a tree I don't need
And the empty high-low of my own lonely song

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