Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hollows of trees echo outside themselves

Hollows of trees echo outside themselves. 
Twigs sway like beetles flipped downside up;
Premature snowflakes suspended
Glisten above the dusty curtain clouds. 

The mountains are surly, buried as they are
Up to their craggy chins in an orange woolen blanket. 
So many things sigh all at once
In a low, lowing chorus;

Grass playing host to parasitic frost
Loses its forced resolve, and yields
Beneath the soles of my firm flat feet. 
Curled carcasses, leaves laid with care upon the concrete
Like small animals unearthed from hibernation
Rustle their brown and gold shells
In semblance of life, but they are gone in a puff of winter impatience. 

The bite in the air is one with malice
One that targets the open parts of my jacket
Works its way up my neck in shivers and goosebumps
To set upon soft thoughts drifting in with the night.

Victim to curved claws and grinning canines
Once and together, they fall to their knees
Too weak to fight the farmer’s battle
With weapons of will against frost.

They drop confessions from their scarlet chapped lips
Of bits of sparkling soul, harvested thoughtless
Taken by excess of intention, not so much permission
And an overlying mist of selfishness.
In the same breath they speak
Of pieces relinquished
In tribute, in payment, in an accidental fashion,
Like trading suitcases at the baggage claim.

A misread of the internal print
Has incurred a feeling of loss at both ends.
A feeling of seeking, of sailing
Through the wet, white air
Over the broken grass and tragic leaves
Over the sleeping heads of mountains
Brushing aside the cirrus drapes
To float unencumbered between the snowflakes
That at this proximity, shine more like stars

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