Thursday, December 5, 2013

Kisses in Colors

I kiss you in colors
Blooming behind my eyes, tight-shut
Like windows in waning winter light
Once it was scarlet, and sweet
Warm, steady and secure
Once yellow, both you and I
You stole my breath and wouldn’t give it back
Curled my toes and laughed a smug laugh
And once, we were black, edged thickly in white
Secret on the street in early hours
Contraband kisses that scuttled for cover
With every knowing approach of headlights
Always, your silhouette in every shade
A bright new hue to each tryst of the lips

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I forgot the snow, and it shocked me
With all of its white electricity

Writing Hands

So often lately I have felt lacking in drive.  I would look around and think, What on earth am I doing, and why?  There was no why.  It's been the cause of no small amount of stress in my life over the past little while.  Only recently I realized that my passion is, and always has been, writing.  It's a God-given talent, it's 99% of who I am, and it's all I want to do with my life.  This poem is a self-apology for forgetting about that for a while.

Dear writing hands, this
Is my apology
For your emaciation
Your cruel starvation
From your vivid, wordy fare

Dear writing hands, I
Will not make excuses
I forgot the feeling and sound
Of the pen in my hand
And the letters in my head

Dear writing hands, you
Are deep in my heart
At the core, squeezing
Pumping the blood, rich, dark
That gurgles with whispers of so much to say

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Against Prejudice

I was in the midst
Of penning a poem
Against prejudice
When I made a remark of careless taste
Regarding the voice of the girl on the radio
And that is why my poem
Against prejudice
Will not now be written

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Overcast, a Summary

I see it fit to give you fair warning.
In the future, however distant
There will be days, given infrequent
When the air is too cold to move
And puddles languish on the road
And the mountains have burrowed
Beneath their gray down comforters
And we will do the same
Forget your daily commute and stiff-backed chair
Forget my ringing phone and pressing matters
Shove the consequences beneath the pillow
Hold me close in lazy white seeping through the blinds
The air is not moving, and neither are we.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Such a Rain

Hair crowned by dewy rain at the point of molecule snowflakes
Hands deep within the shallow pockets like a mole hole
Stepping from the slick street onto the curb holds an unsteady weight
As though the concrete sand hungers for a greedy flagpole
I find myself set upon the long way home, serendipitous
Basking longer in the lunar-hued glow of Heaven’s will washed down
Brief hesitation, and I stoop to scoop up a handful of leaves
Tiny russet brown ones, curled like chocolate shavings on a cake
Cupped in my hand, the struts of a pale Noah’s ark about their ebbing fragility
They are safely borne to a new world in the name of memorabilia
For a day like this, with such a rain, such a mist on the mountains
Would be unjustly dealt with to receive no lasting memory

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Would that I were unmoored
From the harbor which manufactures care
Would that I could halt the procession
From the dock to my decks of involved despair
Would that my hull was thickly built
Enough to weather the typhoons of change
Would that I could slip loose the rope
And drift, and drift, on hard waters away

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Nephilim

The nephilim came long ago
With saving grace in his sinuous veins
Consigned by light to lurk in dimness
In equal parts divine and damned
From first foot set on mortal soil
From first breath drawn, to be unnamed
With obeisance he resigned his freedom
Surrendered his wrists to dutiful chains

The gutter scum, his dwelling place
His warming fire, the heat of sin
Of higher planes than human refuse
He dwelt in silence amongst them
And with the roll of years, so soon
The shabby shell matched that within
A casualty to stay the course
Of Earth’s morally unsound spin

Untouchable by filth of years
He strode through changing alleyways
Seeking those whose every corrupted breath
Darkened the shine of mankind’s days
Predator imbued with divine right
He closed the reign of his unholy prey
Upon shoulders fortified for such a cause
He accepted the weight of the planet’s decay

Made of silk and velvet in choking pitch
It fits him well, the witching hour shroud
The blinding lack of heavenly light
Is sufficient for his iron crown
Prince of a doomsdayed race, he hunts
The darkness where atrocities prowl
And upon the marble of the sky
He carves tallymarks of years worn down

Upon street corners he can be seen
A tower amongst cottages of mortal forms
With the flawless visage of a brooding seraph
And battle scars his body marred
Yet beneath the wearied and shadowed brow
From spheres of brewing winter storms
He gazes upon his millennial charges
With a last late spark of celestial warmth


You are sprawled in a happy accident
Ankles still entangled with mine
My body is heavy with hard, companionable sleep
Yet I space the sheets and haul myself
Over onto the rise of your broad back
Tease the back of your neck
Much to your agreeable chagrin
Hold me responsible—hold me at all
I have been waiting for hours
For you to tell me good morning

Thursday, October 31, 2013

October Velvet

Nothing satisfies the weary spirit
Such as the velvet of an October eve
Freckled by reticent sprinklings of rain
Which thicken like traffic on the ritual commute
Dull and murmuring from hours held on high

Cheeks of the sky flushed with the advances
Of a devilish chill, insistent, persuasive
Reflect on the browned mirror of the mountains
Color their dying eyes with a final surge of joy
Before the well-advanced annual condition claims the upper hand

The pearlescent opaque winter mists
Seep across nose and mouth at the peaks’ final breath
Cool the cheeks of the clouds into tones of frostbite
Remind raindrops of the cozy, homey quality
Of the final smack upon welcoming pavement

Massasoit’s charcoal figure, pensive, pipe in hand
Watches the sun sink into exhausted slumber
The furious rain slides down his nose and cloth folds
Twilight poses a challenge to sharp sightless eyes
Tacit, in memoriam he holds, as the autumn chill settles into his iron limbs

Monday, October 28, 2013

Great hulking shape

Great hulking shape
Lurking white in the reaches of darkness
Tribute and inspiration to the fixtures of Egypt
Barring the stars with the crag of your shoulders
Muzzle raised to the sky, square jaw taut
You hum a growling hymn to the absence of winter moon
And the valley tremors timorous beneath brief feet
Swathed in ignorance to the ways of your kind
Ever present, from the first break of the horizon
Enduring, to the final minute of time

Monday, October 21, 2013

Theories Obsolete

Where does your care come from?
For it may be the low gray walls of my little mind
Impeding my eager view
But I cannot make it out.
Is it labeled desperation
From a cyclical falling out of love? 
Addiction, perhaps
To that gentle tug of needing. 
Or does it taste of breath
Shared in close comfortable confines
That settles in your nose sometimes
When you go to sigh? 
Or last, and leastly plausible
Could it conceivably be
That you have seen between my lines
Heard within my mumbling
And you are truly attracted
To the texture of my soul?  

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hollows of trees echo outside themselves

Hollows of trees echo outside themselves. 
Twigs sway like beetles flipped downside up;
Premature snowflakes suspended
Glisten above the dusty curtain clouds. 

The mountains are surly, buried as they are
Up to their craggy chins in an orange woolen blanket. 
So many things sigh all at once
In a low, lowing chorus;

Grass playing host to parasitic frost
Loses its forced resolve, and yields
Beneath the soles of my firm flat feet. 
Curled carcasses, leaves laid with care upon the concrete
Like small animals unearthed from hibernation
Rustle their brown and gold shells
In semblance of life, but they are gone in a puff of winter impatience. 

The bite in the air is one with malice
One that targets the open parts of my jacket
Works its way up my neck in shivers and goosebumps
To set upon soft thoughts drifting in with the night.

Victim to curved claws and grinning canines
Once and together, they fall to their knees
Too weak to fight the farmer’s battle
With weapons of will against frost.

They drop confessions from their scarlet chapped lips
Of bits of sparkling soul, harvested thoughtless
Taken by excess of intention, not so much permission
And an overlying mist of selfishness.
In the same breath they speak
Of pieces relinquished
In tribute, in payment, in an accidental fashion,
Like trading suitcases at the baggage claim.

A misread of the internal print
Has incurred a feeling of loss at both ends.
A feeling of seeking, of sailing
Through the wet, white air
Over the broken grass and tragic leaves
Over the sleeping heads of mountains
Brushing aside the cirrus drapes
To float unencumbered between the snowflakes
That at this proximity, shine more like stars

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Soaring on wires through stiff-jointed boughs
This is the first I've seen of you
Sharp eyes and clever beak
Fingers that grip and release without a scratch
But somehow still a trace remains
A shadow on the yellow face of the leaves
Tell me with your graveyard gaze
Are you to be my raven
And I your hopeless poet?

Paper Pieces

As I walk, I drop
From my right hand
So many paper pieces of a picture in shreds
An ellipsis of small white sugary dots
I trust that someone
Who happens to see
Will happen to be so thus intrigued
As to trail behind, bent like a willow over the water
Scraping fingertips upon the pavement
In his efforts to collect these little litterbugs
Cupped in the crease
Of a hand, between calluses
They mount in a mound
Of careful packed snowballs
Concealing in each a concrete pebble core
Of letters in a ransom note treasure map: 
I write poems
And I step out of bed on tiptoe
I have a freckle on my hip
And I try to be free with my smile
I like feeling small
I am scared of my closet
On a given warm night
I sit hours on the stairs
And more, and more
My hand is quite full
I trust that someone
Will take time, take care
To unfold each piece for each piece’s sake
All we all want is for some other soul
To form constellations from our stars
Time will tell, but just as well
You look as though you have curious fingers

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

To Listen

May I ask you to relate
Every piece of your life to this very minute
Every fog-minded morning, every dream-minded night
Every fear from twin bed years on
I have a bed waiting empty, and empty to stay
I will sit at your lips until the stars nod off
For the mere fleeting thought of your face
Or drop of your name
Floods my mind with the scent of your clothes
This is very important
Please, build me the man inside them

Thursday, October 10, 2013


let me close my eyes against your heart
i will keep you warm until morning shows

Daily Habit

I catch every brief and simple moment
You toss at me with nonchalance
I polish each to perfect shine
Safekeep them in vials clear and round
These I place upon my shelf
To look at, me and no one else

Saturday One

There was a moment when
My eyes were shut
Yours were open, and
Set on my face
In that moment, you
Cupped my cheek
Slipped your fingers beneath my chin
Held my face in limbo
In that moment,
In between your lips and
Resignation to fleeting sleep
That lasted for second on second on
In that moment, that
Feeling elusive, which underlies
The space between stanzas
In all my work
Was everywhere, overwhelming
Light and deep like a single stormcloud sky
Light and strong like your two fingers
Beneath my chin for
Only a moment
Only a moment
Which will not leave my mind

Running on Sand

And then she got scared
became small
lost her mind
and she swallowed
like pills
all all at once
sound of words on page
sound of strings behind voice
she took a step in retreat
she pulled the blanket of night
back over her head

Baby Hope

Inspired by:

You, who took this daughter as your own
Who carried her cradled for 22 years
Who sat sleepless, enmeshed in frustration and prayer
She thanks you, I know, for each moment spared
Soon she may rest in a warm, peaceful sleep
Safe in the hearts of her badge-honored friends
And the hard-resolved, soft-souled vigil you keep

Three From Fall

The sluff of shoes on the sidewalk
So human, so hopeless
Trudging, to where?
Perhaps to a place
Where there are not so many leaves
And fall has yet to topple down

Little pale girl
Who rescued stray leaves
Look who you are
And who you can be

On the steps
I am hungry
And as my stomach growls
I detect in its tone
A reprimand:
"Next time, you fool,
Remember your key."

Chickadee Calls

Little chickadees, you darlings
In your gray collared coats and velvet black caps
I know your sounds, I let loose a challenge
From the harmless pucker of my lips
And to my amusement, you sprang up stiff
The both of you, flitting about your tree
Perched on a branch and the wall above my head
Thinking, "Her?  But no," and casting off
Pipping all the while your perplexity
You, the suspicious one, you dove on your brother
Pecked his cheek, and I saw him chastise with a glance
And then you were off, both of you, all at once
To while away noontime in a tree all your own
Little chickadees, if only I was fluent enough
To call you back and assure that I mean you no harm
For now I am left with a tree I don't need
And the empty high-low of my own lonely song

Elaborate Excuse-Making

It is fall
And college
Therefore I will wear my pajamas
And my roommate's boots
And you will say nothing
About my flyaway hair

Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Warm and Cheerful Wake

It is a beautiful autumn Sunday
The afternoon light is shallow and clear
Over a ways, an acorn plummets interrupted
Down through the oak leaves to thump the ground
The maple tinged yellow is jittery in a breeze
That can only be sensed by ebbing leaves
Two craggy mountain peaks peer over the rooftops
Turning tawny in the face of advancing cold
Armed with a host of giant pines waiting for winter to spring
He is coiled now, in each crook of every branch
In the gusts of the morning and calm of the night
Purring softly in the scent of burning leaves
From the autumn funeral pyres always present, never seen
The insects are gone, the birds are beginning to go
We are immobile in our stoic routines
As snowtime advances, as sunlight saps away
We will wander daily through nature's annual graveyard
And the leaves will fall, resigned to old age
And the acorns will plummet down to thump
Upon the ground with a fading orange finality

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Precious Things

The shining things are precious
The golden hopes, the diamond dreams
Forming a thick cosmetic shell
For the shining things are obvious,
Glimmering in our daily footsteps
Glowing through our open eyes
It is the dark and heavy stuff
Kept covered at the bottom of the trunk
That truly are the precious ones
For once you have seen the shape of these
I swear to you that you know me


I sleep in your arms nightly
My cheek upon your collarbone
Beached across your chest, content
Alone in my bed and the confines of my room

Pictures of Sunshine

Take pictures of sunshine while the clouds are at bay
While none but the borders of memory are gray
Take not of the warmth and the spark in the air
Take note of contentment and absence of care
For when wind disquiets and the heavens rage
We will pull out the pictures and recall better days

75 Minutes Among Scholars

Written lovingly and scathingly about my Masterpieces of World Lit class.  Even the air is pompous.

Wisdom, dear class, is not to be found
In your mass of notes, transcripted furiously
From the mouth of the horse with little hair and glasses
You, with your bragging rights metered by credits
Swinging the banner of "Honors" above your overlarge heads
Philosophers in your own minds
You are those who I feared from the start
You are puddles of corruption pooled at my feet
Here is the extent of my disturbing your shining surfaces--
You sophists, you substance of those you deplore
Lifting Plato aloft in your processions of thought
Skimming past his description of scoring points in discussion
I tell you, in that game, you are certainly winning
Debate and discuss the past as you please
But do not discount the value of your years
You have not so many, so please refrain
From posturing as thought you are every one prodigies
I assure you, in the grand scheme
You are not, not yet

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


you kill my phone, babe
between the pictures and the words
that battery bar is sinking
beneath the weight of minutes counted
between replies, always too many
would you were here, babe
and my phone was still alive

all these faces in my gaze

all these faces in my gaze
foreign faces, foreign ways
strangers' smiles, different eyes
often laughter, frequent sighs
hearts on hearts in drumming time
crowd about this heart of mine
long before the breach of dawn
as the night goes sprawling on
words and tales in foreign spaces
peering out from behind these faces

In a Whirlwind

You move me to write
Though I have not near enough words
My pencil, apprehensive, hovers over the page
A slender bird with a heart that hums
Too quickly to be halted by
Such petty earthly forces

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Base of the Hill, Inspiring

I find the growth at the base of the hill
Tangled as it is,
Vitally green in the hue of a rainstorm
Ivy tranquil curtaining the wall, and
Pine bushes like grazing herbivores, limp-limbed
Beside an abundance of thick, pouty greenery
Which withholds its name from me
From my view, a pair of trees
Which we called eucalyptus in our pre-school days
Stand ankle-deep in vegetation
With swaying hips and open arms, as though
They wish to float into the fog above
All of it is deep and alive and eternal
I will filter through this school next to nameless
But always these will have their place, always
They will be here, nesting
At the base of the hill, inspiring

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Sudden Storm of Hail

I heard the sound of the sky tearing over my head
And on my hurried way indoors, I exchanged smiles with strangers
All of us caught in the sudden hail and deluge
The rush and retreat of the weather of late

Devotional 9/17

There are cherry blossoms in my heart
On a black branch extended over pale blue sky
And when life has occasion to rage through the trees
The petals float free in a delicate downward spiral

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Not Having

This girl, she
Has never been kissed, she
Has maybe held hands, maybe
Felt the warmth of two arms
But she has never been there, at
The point of looking and locking
And leaning
Oh, the leaning
And then you are thinking
Thinking about lip on lip and
Nose on nose and
Brushing cheeks
Thinking about hands
On necks, on backs
Everything is small and cozy and close
Close changes things, close
Is always wanting for more closeness
More of the leaning, more of the thinking
Long after you leave, that smile
That smile, reserved
For driving home fast at the close of the day or
The dawn of the night
For remembering, hours
And hours hence
As you pack away the dishes
As you toss clothes in the hamper
As you pull the sheets up over yourself and
Grip the pillow tightly, perhaps
Put a hand on your waist, close your eyes
Watch it all over, memorize every whit
Every sound, smell, jump of the stomach
This girl, she
Can make no comparison
She has done many things, granted, but
She has never been held by that particular moment
Never felt so exceptional she feels she may burst
And yet, I
Am the one now alone, in my chair
Penning poems of death and miles away
Things I know next to nothing about
And she
She is free, of
The missing, and the wanting
For that moment, for
The looking, the locking
The leaning
The closeness that follows you through the door
She is free to float asleep in peace
While I lie on my side and long,
Grip my pillow, set a hand on my waist
That is the worst, I think, perhaps
Worse than not knowing
Is the knowing
And the not having
That is the force which chews a hole in your chest
Makes you pine for people and places
You have never met
For once you have had,
All you have not
Becomes sharply defined
And you are sure
That if you could just try it, all of it
For only a moment
You could call back the closeness
And give it a home
One that lasts past the season,
Unlike so many things
And, because you are lucky, because you
Are the exceptional one
It all makes room, so it
May shelter you too
Small, and cozy, and close
And smiling that smile all the way home
At the close of the day, or
The dawn of the night

New England

She wants her eyes to open to a watercolor sky
Sunlight white and watery through a filter of gray
She wants to throw back the covers to a closet full
Of boots and jeans and coats with collars
She wants to leave the house and step onto a street
Lined with other small houses and wrought iron fences
She wants to walk down the way beneath limbs of great trees
Dripping with remnants of the overnight mist
She wants to stop by her café—hers
And leave with a cup steaming the smell of cocoa
She wants books and soup and history
Tall buildings, old buildings, and a piece of the sea
She wants to rise in the morning
With New England wrapped in her arms
Cool and cozy, independent, unabashed
She thinks she might find the future on that rocky shore

Death is no destruction

Death is no destruction
Death is a fleeing
A bid for freedom on the part of the soul
Death is a migration to higher ground
As the body succumbs to a mortal tide
Collapsed like a bridge upon weak, rotting struts
The flesh is brought low beneath weight of the years
And the soul, from a precipice crumbling fast
Springs on the wind of self-preservation
Soars on upon wings which are dormant no more


There is verse in the warmth and the shape of your hand
The stiff supple roughness of each fingertip
Contrast between your joints and mine
Is the difference between knots in a tree limb
And the slender angle of the bird that grips it
That is poetic on the level of Frost
And I am secure on the perch of your heart

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Today Has Been Something Else

A few little short ones from my manic mind.  It's been a looong day.

When raindrops hit the sidewalk
And the leaves shuffle in the trees
That is the sound of a kiss.

i say i don’t look like myself
they all eye me slantways, give an incredulous laugh
but look, in the mirror and
who is that?
not me, no sir
not me

I have gone in so many circles today
Like a slow-flying bird in warehouse rafters
I shall go to sleep with my head
Spinning on its pillow


The yellow bricks were wet with rain.
I slipped and stumbled into a nearby hole
I swear I saw a pair of ears on the way down.
When I landed I discovered
The sky was huge and open
Expansive, marbled like a temple ceiling
I wanted to pound my fists into the mountains holding it up
Just to feel the roar of them cracking.
Every room, every face is an empty box
I am in someone’s attic, pawing open every one
Labelled dishes or winter clothes
What shall I do with my coat, I wonder.
Every place is so far away and feet are the only way to travel
So I reach in and grab a handful of the chain
Winched tight within the confines of my ribs
And I haul myself forward like an anchor floats up. 
Every step destroys a tiny town
I think I placed a nose ring on my bullish heart. 
Watch me walking through this battlefield
With a spinning head and stardust under my fingernails
And puppet strings on my hips. 
Issue a challenge to my skull, I will meet it head-on.
Take me to my bed, I tell my feet, but they would rather see the world.
When night falls and they are ready to rest
The corner of my room will be empty
Except for a twin-sized piece of carpet bordered by dust bunnies and lint raccoons.
My bed will have gone off on an adventure
And it forgot to leave me a note.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


In many cases I wish it were easier to forgive and harder to forget.  But that is an individual matter, I think.  I wish peace for all who have suffered because of what occurred that day, American, Middle Eastern, or otherwise.  To the families of those who lost loved ones twelve years ago, and to the men and women who serve our country as well as their families, my heart goes out to you.  Thank you for your courage, your sacrifice, and your legacy.  You have this young woman's utmost love and respect.  Your service to this country inspires me to contribute my own.

I sit across from the snapdragons
Under a rain-white sky
Hear sirens and fire trucks somewhere north, behind me
That sound is powerful on this day
I fixate on the ground and for a moment
Take myself and this patch of concrete
Place us in New York City
At 9:03 on a Tuesday morning
Quintuple the sirens, trade the misty clouds
For an all-encompassing whitewash of dust
And the thought occurs that death is only a part of life
That in all moments, in any moment
Life is the rosy peach and gold that sprouts
From the dark soil that frightens us so
The deeper the stain of mortal passing
The brighter the life that obstinately grows on
We are made strong by the strength of others
That is universal, on all shores, in all tongues
I am moved to pursue my grandest of goals
To the end of building up others
The rain-white sky comes sprinkling through
Chilled and clean on the backs of my hands
From the darkness of loss and difficulty
My colors can and will bloom
For the good of what yet lives on
In the name of those who have bravely gone


I need someone warm-chested,
With arms like walls
And a face that looks good against the sky
I need you to help me onto the roof
To watch the stars
I need you to carry me
To bed when I’m up too late
I need you to lean your head on my knees
And let me rearrange your hair
I need someone who smiles,
Especially when I can’t keep it together
I need you to take the tunnel of my vision
And lift it away from my eyes
And broaden my sight to a scope that makes me gasp,
  This is special, this is life, and life
  Has meaning when you
  Are the center of my world.”
Show me your tears
Share with me your laughter
You are all I need, already
We just don’t know it yet

Sunday, September 8, 2013

My Lord, my God

Could not think of an appropriate title.  I rarely write poems about spiritual matters because no matter what, I feel they are inadequate.  But this one holds its own, I think.

My Lord, my God
In the terror of the night,
In my sorrow and my smallness
I will roll from my bed and fall to my knees
With tears racing from my cheeks to moisten my pillow
I will cry to thee, in my fear and despair
And such a cry will warily push open the door
Embark on a trek through a cold starlit hallway
Ever so long, ever so silent
Come to rest at the foot of thy bed
And in soft supplication, request comfort of thee.

Without hesitation, thou will be there
At the edge of my bed to ease the darkness
With a listening ear, with a boundless eye
To see the first strains of dawn which are not so far off
To describe them to me in a tongue of silence
Which sounds like knowledge and feels like peace
To kiss my brow and lift me into bed,
Keeping vigil over my sleeping form
When morning arrives I will meet it fearless
Triumphant in the courage granted me
By my Father, my God

Saturday, September 7, 2013

the days go by

I had a short phrase pop into my head this morning, which is often how my poems start.  But this one I felt like was a poem in and of itself, only it was so short that to write it on paper would've been severely anticlimactic.  So I tried making it a more visual representation, and I really like how it turned out.


Where is the grit—
Blood ninth circle red and crusted
Dust sent sailing along with the smiles of starving people
Lipstick, sweat, and tear stains
Open your boxes for me
Loose the dogs of oppression, segregation
Speak to me in tongues of constant danger and mortal fear
Tell me of the soldiers, of the camps
Of the jeering leering faces
Of the whistle and smash of bombs in the night
The immolation in the streets outside
Show me the scars on your skin and on your eyes
Those tendrilling down through the lump in your throat and pricking at your heart
There is a burning inside you, every soul of you, I see it
With the instinct of humanity, I feel it, even here
In the safe confines of my computer screen
And the warmth of my brand-new bedclothes
Many tonight will not sleep well
Many eyes will never grace the light of dawn
Lay the cruelty before me in photographs, in memoirs
In a procession of haunted visages
Grant me a shard of each heart broken by the camaraderie of your species
I will bind them together and carry them in mine

Friday, September 6, 2013


I am not a mess.
I am well, well-adjusted, well put together
Except, well, maybe
That acute corner angle at the base of my heart
That very well may be
A stubborn, simple mess.

Monday, September 2, 2013

This Rainstorm

Somewhere in this rainstorm
Maybe, is you
Running up the walk with your coat about your ears
Foremost tendrils of your hair dripping
cheerily over your brow, in your eyes
Puddles leak through your sneakers,
You’ll leave them to dry by the door
You’ll say hello to your roommates, who are busy
You’ll go down the hall to your room
Before anything, you raise the blinds and
tug the window open
Maybe, like me
You look in the glow of the streetlights for the cold coagulated
mist that means
A downpour, if you didn’t know
I put up my hair and wipe a droplet from my nose
Thinking of the canopy of thunderheads held up by sonic booms
and lit with raw fluorescence
It warms my heart that maybe we are both underneath
Heartbeats like housecats enticed by a lion’s roar
Looking out the windows at the same rain
Safe inside and waiting, waiting while time
slows its pace for a while and walks
Leisurely beneath the dripping trees

The House Is

In the trees, the house is
Big and small,
Without and within
When the wind blows, the trees speak
And the shutters make as though to leap
From the borders of the windows
And inside he is
He is, that great marvel, he is
In his chair, with a book in his hands
With a dictionary on the arm,
Doglike, faithful
The windowpanes thick with years are his lampshade
The clouds are roaming onward west
The sound of his pages turning, the sound of
Small, soft, quick hearts in the forest
Downy feathers in the trees, and
Hooves on stones framing riverbeds,
Audible from the kitchen table
The foot of a page marks a change in the wind
Circling through the halls and the rooms
He lifts his eyes and his obedient head follows
The wild is in his hair like the mane of a wolf, but
He is ever gentle, ever in touch with
The soft things, the grass lying flat on the hills
From his chair he rises, the dog lifts his trapezoidal head
To watch his movements toward the door
The light through the window, the clouds in their migration
Stop, pause patiently like cows in a field
Await his return,
Countrymen camped in waiting upon their king
The floorboards creak beneath his feet
He comes to the kitchen with
A smile on hand, a murmured word
But no express objective
A clattering in the kitchen, a ceramic clinking
Water, then silence, then
The smell of warm, spices and autumn
He comes to the table
A mug in the calloused life of his right hand
Which he sets to the upper right of my papers
Hung with charcoal gray cursive streamers,
A celebration in their own existence
He fills the chair next to mine the way sunshine fills a valley,
To overflowing, to chills on the base of your neck
To thoughts of God and potential
And he asks how it is going
And his caring bleeds through the thin of his shirt
And the house is full within, and without
The clouds move on like wandering cows

Sunday, August 25, 2013

An Absence of Reason and an Excess of Rain

Another sestina.  I really love writing them, they aren't nearly as hard as they look.  The erratic nature of the pattern helps me get my thoughts straight in the most roundabout way.  They also make me think and keep me from posturing, which is always a good thing.

Here I am, without
Surrounded by the foreboding of rain
Mind heavy with you
Heart suffering small
Thriving on thin promise
If nowhere else, I look up

Look, gaze, cling up
Without purchase for fingertips, without
The pink glow of promise
Everywhere is the weight of rain
Starting drops splatter cold and small
Smells like rain, and somehow you

You, you, you
Unbalanced, I tilt my head up
On this great plain I am small
Both within and without
Eyes shuttered against rain
In my ribcage blooms a promise

Tomorrow morning, miles away, promise
There will never be another you
My skin is slick with streaks of rain
I fall back and the rain falls up
Logical fit, I am strangely without
The value of reason is really very small

In reality, my frame is small
Physical restraint is a perpetual promise
But my soul is big and balloons without
Wearing a sad sweet smile that echoes of you
Tethered by a delicate string, tiny knots laced up
Dissolving quickly in the rain

Truly, I adore the rain
The size of the sky shrinks me to small
Always, always, I look up
This several-days storm has rolled in a promise
I have spent my time allotted with you
You, who are now something I must do without

This cave of rain rings silver with promise
You are a small wonder, you, and
Always I will be lifted up, even though I must do without

Light in the Cave

I love you, I think
I think because there is
A small dark hole right here,
In the center,
Small on the surface,
But grandiose underneath
Dry and full of coal dust
I am taking comfort in the sound
Of my own voice snaking off the walls
Wrapping around me like a thin fleece blanket
I am taking comfort in the promise
Of happiness on the horizon, for you and me
Though individually, in separate spheres
Daylight reaches round pale arms
Down into this cave
I stand in her shadow and she touches my face
I can smile, but
I love you, I think
And I think for that reason
I will stay in this cavern a little while longer
Let the sun warm the stone in his own due time

Friday, August 23, 2013

June 22

I found this in a notebook from the beginning of the summer and very much liked it.  I had totally forgotten about writing it.  

When you are in
The depths of the pit
And life seems to be
If all has gone wrong
You yet have your life
And therefore
There is

The Beast

I cannot tell if that patch is
The deepest part of the sky, or
Merely unlit air over the country club
But I hear the thunder, I know it came
From that quadrant of the storm, I know
Its den is somewhere within that
Dense pocket of black
Watching me move back and forth with yellow eyes
Across the glossy parking lot
Even after the rain has stopped
And its eyelids grow heavy as
It sinks back into dormancy
I feel the wind in small lukewarm gusts
Like the silent sigh of a beast in hibernation

Monday, August 19, 2013

Yellow Flowers

Written not too long ago during some serious heartbreak.  I really like this one, though I hesitated to post it and still am not sold on doing so now.

Our story is beautiful
And tragic
A love story with a definite
Unhappy ending
Where you are too good
And I am not good at all
Where I am selfish
In my cruelest attempts to be kind
Where I am sorry
And we are both broken
An argument can be made
That having lost is better than never having
That pain is the lesser of two evils
But having lost is still losing
Silent tears taste like violent sobs
I cannot
I am sorry
I cannot for the both of us
And all the good of love may not be enough
You are precious
But I am responsible
This is beautiful
And terrible
Like yellow flowers in a porcelain vase
Bright, hopeful
Vitality seeping out
Drying and drooping
Dying slowly in a place where they do not belong
We do not belong

the pool

there is a draw to the
pull of tired eyes,the
run of streams of thought parallel
to each other,weaving
through the grass tendrils bobbingswaying through the current
somehow or another one is always music
the bed is empty,but silent,not calling
waiting patient on four small feet
wide and warm like a mother bear,but
infinitely cleaner
crickets countless rush by hours while
highway chirps and whines in spurts
sleeping is happening all around,in
houses and beds on the whole street
but maybe somewhere some is not,some
is dragging on like this
ball and chain to the weary body,the
soul is soaring to the stars
through the leaves of the apple branches in a
magnificent gasp for freedom
a nightly swim in the pool of darkand coolbut in a calming way
fireflies dip like fishes,floating,spinning slow beyond control
but calm,always
calm,without the need for care or planning
nirvana seems the apropos name,but
who am i to say it so
but this i know,when i’s and eyes are
heavy,too heavy to go to sleep
i slip away and swim,at night,in
the pool where all the spirits come
for some reason,i think
they all are humming all the time


You are unfortunate. 
I see you, I see
A shard of something shooting to earth
Cutting with a white light razorblade
Something slipped from the pocket of God. 

I know the color of your eyes. 
It has been a thousand hours, almost,
Since I saw your face
At a waxing gibbous angle
Walking back to your grandpa’s car
Yet I remember every line and shadow. 

You are unfortunate
Because you cannot be classified
By even the vaguest of labels. 
All at once, you are
Friend and brother and
Confidant and advisor and
Handsome and far away. 
If I were to save my pennies
For weeks and weeks on end
Would it be enough, or
Would something better come along? 

There is a fracture here
Right here, on the joint
Between what is unknown and what is speculated
Over and over on the verge of sleep
And boring afternoons in Spanish class. 
You outshine me in all your color
I cannot see you beside my beige.
Which does not mean I do not wish. 

I opened to you,
Deep and raw and unforgiving
And it was good even through the bad. 

Only now I’m afraid
Time has healed, as it will do
What was red and vital has cooled to something
Smooth, white, raised
Braille on the heart proclaiming your initials
Scar tissue wrapped around the splinter of you
That happened to work its way through my skin
Three years ago, when a snaggletoothed smile
Came through the door in winter
And lit up the side of the classroom
Where sat a pale girl in green and
A black blazer. 

I am afraid of making you into
A manikin, on which to hang
The clothes I see in a few years’ time. 
That would be the purest form of corruption,
Molding you into something I want. 
Nor can I lock away the negatives
Of the images of past encounters
Which would be tantamount to caging a bird
To ensure it remains undomesticated. 

I am afraid that,
For the time being,
I must dismiss you from the stage of my mind. 
I must retire you from the role you have played
And allow the both of us
A little creative freedom. 
Keep in touch,
For I expect to see you in a few months’ time
A few pounds heavier, a few inches higher
Marginally wiser, all the better. 

And who knows
What you will be then? 

The same, of course,
Can be said of me.

wishes on lashes

For someone I care about who deserves more than wishes.

wishes on lashes
made for your sake
to carry you through change
heartache, pain
rolled between finger and thumb to test merit
like a heart weighed precarious opposite a feather
found pure, and consequently
released on a puff of air
and the grace of your name

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Little Bit of Matter

In my ears and into my heart
Catching words in a net till it bulges
Like stepping, calculated, to the edge of a building
Ten stories up, one inch forward
Then lurching backward off the face of the skyline
Spinning and stars in black blushing blue
I am so small and so clean
In a big, filthy world
Shell-shocked by the slightest smudge
Proud of that fact
I hope to preserve that
Wash around me, sit close on the subway
Live in the apartment above my own
But you cannot touch me
I take it in, I observe
I would like to understand
But stop—one step short of open
One step short of embracing it my own
See me, if you’d like, because I see you
That is what life is for
You do yours and I’ll do mine

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The prince is magnificent

Inspired by Loki, Norse god of mischief and one of my favorite villains.

The prince is magnificent
Cloaked in pride and entitlement
Swathed in dark silk, sleek leather, thick fur
Crowned with gold tempered in blood and corruption
Coaxed forth from the threshold of enemy flesh
His jawline, his brow, speak of breeding exquisite
His body belies any mark of a blade
Fingers, interlaced like the strands of a widow's web,
Bear rings claiming fealty of numberless realms,
Are deadly as blades from the hilts of his wrists

His chamber is lit by the waver of torches
Burning mirthless in sconces of precious gems
The room is a temple to merciless cold
And the depths of a world long ago robbed of breath
The luxurious furs on his bed conceal tears
From the witch-hour throes of a creature tormented

While lit through the night, through the end of the gods,
Opposite the great headboard sits a shrine to a foe
A black marble pillar shrouded in witchlight
Glorious in the austerity of the design
Displaying a weapon of singular craftsmanship,
Singular efficacy, a king's device
Glimmering lonely in the eerie illumination
Devoid of a soul worthy to wield, yet potent enough
To pierce princely dreams
A sight preserved for the eyes that shine
Like new moons tacked over deadened coals
Alight with the sputtering flame of victory,
Feeble in the face of a bloodless existence,
Threadbare in the chill of a broken mind

Through the kingdom, whispers run in the dark
Stalk like lions on hissing paws
The prince is magnificent, the people agree
No more so than when he screams in his sleep
And the echoes weep through the palace halls
Pool at the foot of the empty throne
Fodder for ghosts who will not be disowned

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Played around with form on this one and made it a concrete poem, one whose shape speaks to the poem as much as the words do.

It’s as though you have always been                    there
Right              there, in a sturdy log cabin
To the left of my heart

Surrounded by trees, a battalion of rigid
Lodgepoles twenty-one-gunning the morning fog

Me, as I stumble through the    d a y s  to  y   e    a     r      s
Sidestepping brush and crouching under limbs
I know you are there, but only in dreaming
Only subconsciously, your cabin amid the trees

I expect you are as wary as me
Woods hold wolves and bears and things
Things you are no more equipped for than I

But you are brave, in your cabin in the trees
 You note each  awkward  step I take
You smolder out the cabin window
You glower at each man I meet

Sub-par,           mediocre,          trivial,            mundane

This heart has been claimed, you loudly say
A cabin has already been built on this spot
And I must merely                          find                 it

I feel you there from time to time
You crowd my heart and give me pause
And sometimes, when a tree falls,
The left side of my chest aches

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

She walks out in rain

I wanted to write this scene, but prose seemed too daunting for eleven o'clock at night (which then stretched into one o'clock in the morning).  So this happened.  And it happened better than I expected it to, so go me!  Inspired by the ever-charming Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton.  If I ever manage a literary relationship half as precious and perfect I will consider it an accomplishment.

She walks out in rain
In high black heels and short black coat
Under a black umbrella
And nobody knows her name, nobody
Knows her name

Hair pulled up
Lips pulled up
In a press-on smile colored
Wine-to-the-light red
She parts the crowd like she’s holding a gun

Eyes roll off her
The way the city smog wicks off rain
She is a pretty thing lost in the beauty of life
She is a pretty sketch hung in the coat room of the Louvre
And she placed herself there

Across the sea of taxi cabs
Flickers the sign for a self-possessed coffee shop
She waits for the crosswalk light like everyone else
Floats over a white line bridge with
More conviction and less care
Than Tibbets over Hiroshima

She enters to the tinkling of a tiny bell
No one looks up, she is a ghost, she
Shakes the water from her umbrella
Hangs it on the overfull rack by the door
Orders a chai tea from the girl behind the counter
Takes the darkest seat at the table in the brightest side of the room
Waits for the city to catch up

Finger by finger
She strips off her gloves
Sets them neatly aside and
Folds her hands around the tea that comes
In a beige porcelain mug
She inhales and thinks of Hyderabad
The crescent moon lipstick gains a shade of sincerity

He is already here
She could tell from the street
The way the light fell from the windows
To the sidewalk
Slantways, as though
Tumbling through a poor quality mirror
Displaced like water
Dispelled like a rumor
Making room for his shining soul
And the leeching sins

Eyes meet across the huddled tables
He smirks, blows steam off his coffee
She can smell the two creams and no sugar
She tilts her head in a toast and fingers the rim of her mug

This time he gives in
Takes his cream and caffeine
And the other seat at her table
Pleasantries are exchanged
He has been in Berlin, she
Is wearing Colombian jet lag
She smells nice, he
Is cultivating the five o’clock shadow
And he almost coaxes a laugh from her lips

Time is sluggish and cannot be bothered
On rare occasions when he is so close
But she has a flight to catch
And must change her mask on the way
So she unbuttons her jacket
Smiling, he stiffens
Then releases unsprung when he sees it is only paper

She slides it to him
Her fingers are long, her nails short
Before he can unfold it
She is up and to the door
The umbrella is in her hand and she is outside
With a farewell whispered in another language, maybe French

The rain has picked up but she walks three blocks
Before hailing a cab
And slipping inside
Umbrella folded neatly
On the bench beside her like a well-trained dog

In silence she pictures
The coffee shop on the corner
He will open the paper
Skim the contents only to get to
The lipstick signature in the bottom margin

The information will be handed to higher-ups
Promptly, faithfully
Word for word
But he will keep the signature to himself
Stick it in his pocket with the lint and the others
She knows it
As surely as he knew it would be there

He leaves a tip on the table
Beside the empty cup of coffee
And the untouched tea
Turns up his collar
Steps out in the dark

The cab pulses through the city
She dozes in the back and thinks of Saint Petersburg
Raindrops hit the windshield
Like split-second decisions, like
Steps toward a conclusion
With practiced precision
The windshield wipers shrug it off

Saturday, July 13, 2013


My father comes home
Following a long week of camping
And my little dog
Loses his head with excitement

We see him pull up
In our white beetlelike van
And disembark
In his khaki shirt

Just like that
The poodle pops up
Like a bubble bursting on the water
Peering out the window

With little round eyes
He barks, and every bark
Is punctuated by an offsetting
Wag of the stumpy tail

He whines between barks
And I pity him enough
That I would let him out the front door
If it weren't for the other campers

Dad will help them unpack
See that each bag finds each boy
And each boy a way home
To their own excitable mutts

In the meantime, ours
Will stand on the couch
On only two legs
Like a small lupine person

Potbelly brushing the headrest
Paws up on the crown of the couch
As though leaning over the bar
For a better view of the owner

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Observing, Existing, Myself Selfless

This is a long one, but as John Mayer put it, "It's better to say too much than never to say what you need to say."  I think I need my own Walden.  That's one for the bucket list.  

Once in my life
I would like to awaken
In a modest cottage
From ceiling to floor
Furnished in the Spartan style

Not a soul
Within the walls
Simply dawn filtering
And me in an iron-frame bed
And a pretty blue nightgown

I would haul myself
Up and out of the black
Deep lake of subconscious
As taking a breath
The first puff of air in new lungs

Lie in the arms of my
Clean linen sheets
Gazing up at the ceiling
To birds without my window
And dust motes in the light

Then I would rise
Place the soles of my feet
On the wooden floor
With morning and warm
With past life

I venture into the kitchen
Where sit the two forks
Two knives and one
Which I have inherited from
Thoreau, who was finished with them

But the hollow of my stomach
Cannot be filled by
Material sustenance and so I
The invitation of the pantry
And my small table

I am drawn instead
To the arch top door
With its picture frame
And pretty black handle
And fingerprint nicks in its body

I ease it open
As gentle as a mother
Nudging her child to bed
I peer out nose-first
To be sure the morning has finished dressing

The scent of the air
Good-naturedly defies
Any word in any tongue
Clench with the fresh clean new untouched
That cannot be captured in any net

It washes over me
The sunlight, the breeze
The opening flowers
In the crowns of trees
Inhabitants of their own perfect country

I lower myself
Onto the top stone step
Smooth my nightgown
My toes in the dust
And watch it go on

It unfolds, or better
Unravels thread by thread
Of original colors
All at once the grand
Web of life unburdened

I am in the center
Allowed so long as I
Make no motion
Disturbance, for I
Am merely a guest here

Two chairs sit like
Well-trained hounds
At either end of the
One marked for me, the other
Reserved for small chance of company

The birds and the flowers
Need no chair, but
Have in eternal generosity
One to me so that I
May be comfortable

This cottage is my chair
I am a visitor
In the immaculate house of
Humbly I take tea
And share in the purity

The bees take my burdens
The green things my sorrows
The mice in the bushes
My cares and shred them
To make nests

I sit on the stone
Grateful and empty
A prayer in my soul
By myself unremitting
And a clear summer morning